Upper Intermediate Power 60, Course B is an online course, consisting of 50 units of English, and providing approximately 60 hours of study for students.
Course aims
This course continues the journey started in Upper Intermediate Power 60, Course A, guiding students towards CEFR C1 level. It develops advanced grammar, expands vocabulary, and focuses on the four core skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
- Use advanced passive voice forms to emphasize different parts of a sentence.
- Master inversion in conditional and other sentence structures.
- Use complex relative clauses to add detail and clarity to sentences.
- Form and use cleft sentences for emphasis.
- Use past modals to express regret, criticism, or missed opportunities.
By the end of the course, students will have learned approximately 500 additional lexical items, covering topics such as health, business, society, and culture.
Students will have practiced listening to and reading texts related to real-world issues, health, and technological advancements.
Unit summary
Module 1
- Vocabulary: Business and entrepreneurship
- Grammar: Advanced passive voice
- Reading: An article on start-ups
- Listening: A business conference
- Wordbuilding: Business-related nouns and verbs
- Vocabulary: Describing business practices
- Grammar: Cleft sentences
- Writing: A business proposal
- Spelling: Common business-related words
- Revision: Material from module 1
Module 2
- Vocabulary: Health and medicine
- Grammar: Inversion in conditional sentences
- Reading: An article on medical advancements
- Listening: A health-related podcast
- Phrasal verbs: Health-related phrasal verbs
- Vocabulary: Describing health improvements
- Grammar: Modals in the past
- Speaking: Discussing health trends
- Spelling: Common health-related words
- Revision: Material from module 2
Module 3
- Vocabulary: Global issues and society
- Grammar: Complex relative clauses
- Reading: A report on global warming
- Listening: A news report on social change
- Wordbuilding: Society-related nouns and adjectives
- Vocabulary: Describing societal changes
- Grammar: Perfect modals
- Writing: An essay on global issues
- Spelling: Common words related to society
- Revision: Material from module 3
Module 4
- Vocabulary: Technology and innovation
- Grammar: Future perfect and future continuous
- Reading: A forecast on technological advancements
- Listening: A tech industry panel discussion
- Phrasal verbs: Technology-related phrasal verbs
- Vocabulary: Describing future trends
- Grammar: Mixed conditionals
- Writing: A report on future technology
- Spelling: Common technology-related words
- Revision: Material from module 4
Module 5
- Vocabulary: Culture and society
- Grammar: Complex relative clauses
- Reading: A cultural analysis
- Listening: A discussion on social norms
- Wordbuilding: Society-related nouns and verbs
- Vocabulary: Describing cultural changes
- Grammar: Cleft sentences for emphasis
- Writing: A cultural critique
- Spelling: Common culture-related words
- Revision: Material from module 5
Students completing Upper Intermediate Power 60 Course B could move on to the Advanced level course.