About Us

Who we are
Find out more about our history and mission
Meet our team

Director of Studies

Trevor Hawes
Technical Director

Sandy Bedoya
Sales Director

Andrew Ashurst
Sales Manager, Europe

Aytuğ Selçuk
Sales Manager, Turkey and Middle East

Stephen Bolton
Sales Manager, Asia

Ibrahim Boutemine
Sales Manager, North Africa

Juan Manuel Ardila
Sales Manager, Latin America
Our offer is aimed at four major user groups
Study English at your own pace, at your own level. Take a level test online and then choose from our wide range of online English courses to improve your general English, or help prepare for your English language exam with our expert exam preparation courses.
Find appropriate online work for your English language students in seconds using our unique database of materials, cross-referenced to your coursebook, and then check their progress through our administration centre. Create your own digital materials using our authoring tools.
Replicate your physical classrooms with our online English language school, placing students in a classroom with their teacher. Administer your school using our quick and simple tools. Rebrand the website to look like your own school's platform.
Use our range of online business English courses written by experts to improve the level of business English of your staff. Ask us to create bespoke courses for your employees.
Our offer is aimed at four major user groups
Study at your own pace, at your own level. Take a level test and then choose from our wide range of courses to improve your general English, or help prepare for your English language exam with our expert exam preparation courses.
Replicate your physical classrooms with our online school, placing students in a classroom with their teacher. Administer your school using our quick and simple tools. Rebrand the website to look like your own school's platform.
Find appropriate online work for your students in seconds using our unique database of materials, cross-referenced to your coursebook, and then check their progress through our administration centre. Create your own digital materials using our authoring tools.
Use our range of courses written by business English experts to improve the level of English of your staff. Ask us to create bespoke courses for your employees.
Founder's Message
From the Visionary Behind It All
We are a small company, but not a fly-by-night one. We’ve been in business since 1994, when our first edutainment game, Word invaders, came out in Sweden on floppy disk. From the very start, we have tried to marry two concepts: innovative content, and quality of writing. I am a DELTA qualified teacher with 25 years’ experience in teaching, examining and teacher-training. I still teach part-time and maintain that it is vital for materials writers to engage with students in class regularly to keep fresh. All the writers of general English materials are DELTA qualified; all the writers of exam materials are both teachers and Cambridge examiners; all the writers of business materials are specialist business English teachers.
Innovative means not standing still, but constantly thinking of new ways to make our materials unique. We were the first educational publisher to test grammar and vocabulary through gaming, with titles like Error terror, Textris and Word Invaders; we were the first educational publisher to have feedback on students’ answers in our pioneering Cambridge exam tutor series of CD Roms, we created our first iteration of Let’s Learn English before any of the other larger publishers came out with their own Virtual Learning Environments, we offered a website cloning service before anyone else. We constantly strive to offer something that our competitors do not have, and push the boundaries of what schools can do with a digital learning platform.
Innovative means not standing still, but constantly thinking of new ways to make our materials unique. We were the first educational publisher to test grammar and vocabulary through gaming, with titles like Error terror, Textris and Word Invaders; we were the first educational publisher to have feedback on students’ answers in our pioneering Cambridge exam tutor series of CD Roms, we created our first iteration of Let’s Learn English before any of the other larger publishers came out with their own Virtual Learning Environments, we offered a website cloning service before anyone else. We constantly strive to offer something that our competitors do not have, and push the boundaries of what schools can do with a digital learning platform.
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Head of Educational Content

Tailored to meet all needs
Quality Materials
Our team of material writers are all RSA DELTA qualified, practising teachers.
Mobile & whiteboard -friendly
Let's Learn English is fully compatible with mobile devices and interactive whiteboards
Blended Learning
We work to match existing syllabuses
Interactive content
Access to UK media channels and custom weekly materials
Over 10,000 built-in exercises
Use the existing exercises or add your own materials
Use your own brand
Rebrand our software to create a unique product
Major textbooks cross-referenced
Our platform allows you to continue using your existing textbooks
Full Management reports
Review grades, progress and more
Exams preparations
Use our teaching materials to prepare for exams