Reading Skills Elementary


Reading Skills Elementary is an online course, consisting of 12 modules of English, and providing approximately 30 hours of study for students.

Course aims

To give students at Elementary, CEFR A1 level practice in reading texts of different kinds. The course is ideal for students who find their level of reading comprehension is falling behind their level of grammar, vocabulary, writing, listening, speaking, or pronunciation, and need a more targeted approach to bring their reading skills into line with their other English language skills at this level.

Students can also combine this course with our other similar courses:

  • Grammar Box
  • Listen Up
  • Vocabulary Booster
  • Pronunciation Portal

Unit summary

Module 1: People

  • Angus
  • Leonardo:

Module 2: Routine

  • My day, by the Queen
  • A day in the life:

Module 3: Food

  • A recipe
  • Eating in Britain:

Module 4: Home

  • I hate my house
  • The most expensive house in London:

Module 5: Countries

  • Spain
  • I don’t have a home country:

Module 6: Weather

  • Winter is coming
  • It’s raining cats and dogs:

Module 7: Hobbies

  • My favourite pastime
  • Learning new skills:

Module 8: Travel

  • A journey through time
  • Holidays in France:

Module 9: Sports

  • The World Cup
  • Exercise for a healthy life:

Module 10: Technology

  • The internet and me
  • Social media: pros and cons:

Module 11: Work

  • A day in the office
  • The best job I ever had:

Module 12: Education

  • Learning for life
  • My school years:


Students completing the Reading Skills Elementary course could:

  • Move on to the next level of this course series: Reading Skills Pre-Intermediate.
  • Choose one of our other skills-specific courses, such as Grammar Box, Listen Up, Vocabulary Booster, or Pronunciation Portal.
  • Study one of our general English improvement courses, such as Complete, Pre-Intermediate Power, Focus on A2 Key, or Pre-Intermediate Business Power.
en_GBEnglish (UK)