Reading Skills Advanced Plus


Reading Skills Advanced Plus is an online course, consisting of 12 modules of English, and providing approximately 30 hours of study for students.

Course aims

To give students at Advanced Plus, CEFR C2 level practice in reading texts of different kinds. The course is ideal for students who find their level of reading comprehension is falling behind their level of grammar, vocabulary, writing, listening, speaking, or pronunciation, and need a more targeted approach to bring their reading skills into line with their other English language skills at this level.

Students can also combine this course with our other similar courses:

  • Grammar Box
  • Listen Up
  • Vocabulary Booster
  • Pronunciation Portal

Unit summary

Module 1: Holidays

  • A holiday in Panama
  • Disneyland reviews:

Module 2: Childhood

  • An evacuation story
  • Young people have feelings too:

Module 3: Psychology

  • Déjà vu: been there, done that
  • Shopping and colour:

Module 4: Adventure

  • Climbing Mount Everest
  • A year in the Arctic:

Module 5: Food

  • The story of chocolate
  • Strange foods from around the world:

Module 6: Music

  • How classical music changed
  • Music festivals around the world:

Module 7: Health

  • Alternative medicine
  • Modern-day health trends:

Module 8: Education

  • The rise of online courses
  • The future of universities:

Module 9: Fashion

  • Fashion throughout history
  • The impact of fashion on society:

Module 10: Environment

  • Protecting endangered species
  • The importance of sustainability:

Module 11: Technology

  • The evolution of the smartphone
  • Artificial intelligence in everyday life:

Module 12: Culture

  • The influence of cinema on culture
  • The globalisation of TV shows:


Students completing the Reading Skills Advanced Plus course could:

  • Choose one of our other skills-specific courses, such as Grammar Box, Listen Up, Vocabulary Booster, or Pronunciation Portal.
  • Study one of our general English improvement courses, such as Complete, Advanced Plus Power, or Focus on C2 Proficiency.
en_GBEnglish (UK)