Frequently asked questionsLLE is a division of Educational Software Products, a small company which began in 1996 creating CD Roms for schools, businesses and educational institutions. We have always concentrated on only one area of education, EFL/ESL/ESOL, as we are experts in this field and can therefore maintain strict standards of quality control in this area. LLE was launched in 2005 and has been growing ever since, refining and expanding its content and range of services, partly through careful monitoring of developments in internet technology and mobile telephony, and also through responding to feedback and suggestions from member schools and businesses.
LLE is what is called a Virtual Learning Environment, known by the acronym VLE. It is an E-Learning platform. It provides schools with a virtual library, teachers and a Director of Studies. The library has a wide range of materials for students of different levels to study, the teacher marks the materials and gives feedback to students, and the Director of Studies administers the system, gets new resources, maintains records of students’ progress and liaises between teachers, and between teachers and students.
- Let’s Learn English can be accessed by computer or mobile devices such as tablets, iPad or iPhone/smartphone.
- Interactive Whiteboards are a perfect vehicle for bringing Let’s Learn English into the classroom.
- Blended learning is one of our main aims. We can blend Let’s Learn English content into existing academic syllabuses for each individual Teaching Centre.
- Our coursebook wizard links each part of a unit of major EFL coursebooks to a unit of Let’s Learn English, making it easy for teachers to dovetail our material with their classroom study. Series such as Headway, English File, Cutting Edge and Total English, are already available.
- Teachers can make use of an administrative option that allows them to keep an eye on their students’ progress with statistics on their unit choices and test results. This student profile can be updated by teachers. Individual or class reports can be printed off for administrative purposes.
- All materials are written by DELTA qualified practising teachers with over ten years’ experience and Cambridge examiners
- Seven levels of exercises: CEFR A1- (Beginner) – C2 (Advanced Plus)
More than 1500 units of English, growing all the time - A wide range of exercise types
- Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, Writing, Listening, Pronunciation and Spelling
- We mark student essays in the writing units of the site and mark student spoken recordings in the spoken units. Alternatively, schools can choose to have student compositions and spoken recordings sent to a member of their staff.
- Exam preparation for: KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC
- A Grammar Doctor facility enables students to ask any question about English and receive an answer in 24 hours.
- Video presentations of language
- Video explanations of structural areas
- Open Study option – There is no set structure to the website. Each unit stands alone and is designed to be used as a further study option for students in school or at home.
- However, Let’s Learn English has flexibility inbuilt. Teachers can create mini-courses within Let’s Learn English by selecting units and exercises for students to do in order.
- Placement test to help students find their level of English
- Course design and creation facility
- Full administrative rights, including access to student exercises and results, assigning students to teachers, grouping students into classes, measurable progress reports
- Branded version for your school – We can clone Let’s Learn English and customise its artwork to match the look of your own website, and then pass it over to your site, so that a seamless link is provided to your existing website.
There are lots of free exercises available on the internet, and some of them are very good. However, there are five main reasons why you should choose Let’s Learn English above these other resources:
a) No other site has the range of exercises available that LLE does.
b) Other sites are paid for by advertising
c) We offer a Management System for schools that enables them to enter student details into a database, keep records of their results in different exercises, group students by tutor or class and print off results and statistics demonstrating measurable progress, whether by class or for individual students.
d) No free site will mark student compositions and spoken recordings. We do.
e) No free site will clone the entire database of activities and Management System, and rebrand it to your specifications, changing the graphics and other elements to meet your school’s needs, and then place a hidden link on your school’s existing website, meaning students accessing LLE do so through your school’s site, and it appears that the content belongs to your school.
Other reasons such as the quality of the materials, the careful grading of exercise levels and our willingness to create special units or banks of exercises for your school’s specific needs are extra reasons why we offer a totally different service to anything that can be found for free on the Web.
All content is written from a bank of writers we have built up over the last ten years. Each member of our writing team is a practising teacher with over ten years’ experience in the classroom. Many of our writers are also Cambridge examiners.
All the time! We keep you informed every month of changes to the content, new facilities and services and new units written.
No. Students can access any area of the site as often and for as long as they wish. If you wish to restrict certain students to certain subsets of material, that is also possible. The choice is yours.
Schools can limit student access in one of two ways. It is possible for a school to bring up a students’ details and restrict their access to just one level. This would work if you had a student of B2 level English and you only wanted them to access B2 level materials. This is a one click operation. Alternatively , you can assign a course to a student, which they must study in a specific order. When the student logs in, they are directed straight to the course, bypassing the ‘study centre’ free study area. The choice is yours.
Yes. You can group your students by class and by tutor. Your teacher can then see her/his class at a glance and see how much progress they are making. (S)he can then look at the individual progress of any students within that class to check their progress. All these reports can of course be printed out. It is even possible to see results of an entire school and print them out too.
Every exercise that a student does is saved and logged by the system. As well as giving the bare statistics of which task the student attempted, what their result was, how long the exercise took them, and if they have attempted the exercise before, teachers or administrators can click on the exercise to see it with the student’s answers to each individual question.
Yes. All reports can be printed out or exported to suit your requirements.
The Grammar Doctor is a facility we have that enables students and teachers to ask any question about English and have it answered by a practising EFL teacher.
No. Users can ask us or the Grammar Doctor any question they like, for example, querying something that they have seen on TV or in a newspaper that they don’t understand.
We aim to answer all Grammar Doctor questions within 24 hours. We will respond via email. You will also be notified on LLE, that a reply is waiting for you.
We have a large number of written units in LLE, which give information and practice in many different areas of English, for example, writing postcards, filling in forms, writing formal and informal letters and reports etc. In these units, students are given questions and must then type out their answers on a LLE page. These are sent to HQ and are marked by our team of EFL experts. Mistakes are highlighted and corrected, and any repeated errors are explained to students. They are then sent back to the students.
Yes. The default settings for schools is to have the compositions sent to our team, and have the corrected compositions sent back to the student. However, it is possible for a school to change those settings and instead have the compositions sent out a member of their staff for marking, or for the compositions, once marked by our team, to be sent back to the school rather than directly to the student.
There are no limits to the number of compositions we can receive from students. We have a fair usage policy, which means we wouldn’t like to have to mark, for example, a student university dissertation, but we have had no issues in this regard to date.
Normally, we can get a composition back to a student within three days. In exceptionally heavy periods, marking can take up to one week to be received back to students.
Spoken units are similar to written units, in that they give students advice about structures and lexis to use in specific spoken tasks, and then they will be asked to, for example, argue with a point of view, read aloud or record half of a partially completed conversation with their own input. These recordings are then sent to us for marking. They will receive feedback on phoneme errors, word and sentence stress as well as structure and lexical mistakes.
Yes. In the same way as with written compositions, schools can have spoken recordings sent to them, or have feedback from us sent to the school instead of directly to the student.
Yes. If you have specialised English language courses, for example, English for Lawyers or English literature, we can provide you with content for these. They will be added to the general database to enhance the learning experience for all members of LLE
Yes. We do have schools ask us to add content on their behalf. As long as this content is written in a format that can be input, and uses exercise types that we already use in LLE, we can use your school’s input and put it on your rebranded version of the site, ensuring that only the students from your school can access it.
Yes, LLE is fully mobile.
Our pricing depends on a number of factors: how many licences you will be purchasing, how long you will be purchasing subscriptions, and the country you are ordering from. Please contact us for a personalised quote.
Yes. We will issue your school with, for example, 1000 subscriptions. These can be handed out to your students when they arrive. The students will then log on to LLE or to your school’s rebranded version of the site, and access their records. They can change their username, password and email details as they wish. The membership will last for one year from the first time the student logs on, so if you purchase 1000 memberships on 1st January, and a student is given their login on 5th January, that student will be able to access our services for one year from 5th January. However, if you give another student a membership on 3rd March, or in June, or in December, their membership period of 1 year begins after that.
We work with your school to create a customised version of LLE for you. This includes redesigning the look of the site, changing our graphics to those of your school and inputting your school’s details if required. We will also take away sections of LLE that your school doesn’t need or want, and can, for example, send all Grammar Doctor questions and student written work to your school instead of dealing with them ourselves. There really is little we cannot do for you regarding a rebranded, customised version of LLE. All this is provided for FREE, as a way to help fellow schools and teachers.
No, there is no charge for this work.
No, there are no additional charges. You only pay a small amount for students to access the platform, and the rest is free. All our prices include all taxes and costs.
No. Most schools do opt for the clone/branded version, as a marketing decision. Clones can help your school’s website gain more traffic and more visibility, as students will be accessing LLE through your clone every day, as they do their homework.
However, there are a number of schools that have decided to use LLE but did not want the clone.
It normally takes about a week to complete your clone/branded version of LLE. At all stages you will be kept abreast of progress, so that you can view the clone and make changes.
Yes! Here are some examples:
School: The Lake School of English
Main school site: https://www.englishinoxford.com
Clone address: https://lake.etestify.com
School: St Paul’s English Academy
Main school site: https://www.stpauls.es/
Clone address: https://stpauls.etestify.com/
School: Kensington Academy of English
Main school site: https://www.kensingtonacademy.com/
Clone address: https://kensingtonacademy.etestify.com/
School: SIRT
Main school site: https://thesirt.com/
Clone address: https://esirt.com/signin
If you’d like to make use of the English learning materials on this site, you’ll first need to sign up.
The site uses cookies to remember your preferences and provide the complex functionality needed. You must have cookies enabled. No personal information is stored in cookies.
Javascript must be enabled to provide the complex functionality needed.
We use the latest HTML5 and CSS3 web technology to provide a rich media experience. Therefore, this site currently targets the latest Google Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer (9+) web browsers, Safari. While much of the site will work on older browsers, we do not guarantee that or support it.
It is important to keep your web browser up to date, to ensure you have the latest security features and to provide the best experience while using this site.
Mobile devices such as iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows Phone should be supported by LLE. Some blackberry devices and older phones may not have a browser capable of supporting the latst technology needed by LLE.
For audio recording you must be using a device and browser able to use Adobe Flash, and have Adobe Flash installed from the official site https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/
LLE can be used on Windows and Mac desktop/laptops.
We use cookies to know who is logged on. Personal data in our database is never shared with anyone other than staff of the school in which the user is a member. You can request your data be changed or removed at any time. You can read our full policy here. Click here.
Studiați în ritmul dumneavoastră, la nivelul dumneavoastră. Faceți un test de nivel și apoi alegeți din gama noastră largă de cursuri pentru a vă îmbunătăți engleza generală sau ajutați-vă să vă pregătiți pentru examenul de limba engleză cu cursurile noastre de pregătire pentru examene.
Găsiți în câteva secunde lucrările online adecvate pentru elevii dumneavoastră, utilizând baza noastră de date unică de materiale, cu referințe încrucișate cu manualul dumneavoastră de curs, și apoi verificați progresul lor prin intermediul centrului nostru administrativ. Creați-vă propriile materiale digitale utilizând instrumentele noastre de creare.
Reproduceți sălile de clasă fizice cu școala noastră online, plasând elevii într-o clasă cu profesorul lor. Administrați-vă școala cu ajutorul instrumentelor noastre rapide și simple. Rebrandizați site-ul web pentru a semăna cu platforma școlii dumneavoastră.
Folosiți gama noastră de cursuri scrise de experți în limba engleză pentru afaceri pentru a îmbunătăți nivelul de engleză al personalului dumneavoastră. Solicitați-ne să creăm cursuri personalizate pentru angajații dumneavoastră.