Tags: ingles

The most popular ways of saying “Hello” and ” Good bye”

Cele mai populare moduri de a spune "Bună ziua" și "La revedere"

Astăzi veți învăța cele mai comune moduri de a spune "Hello" și "Good- bye". Unele dintre ele pot fi folosite cu prietenii, alte expresii sunt mai potrivite în contactele de afaceri,iar altele cu străinii. Acestea vă vor ajuta să păreți natural în toate situațiile de viață! Salutări Expresii informale: Ce mai faci? Mă bucur să [...]

Trend – teaching pronunciation from TV

Trend – teaching pronunciation from TV

All language teachers are aware of the fact that pronunciation is extremely important while learning a new language. However, many of them do not teach it because they consider vocabulary and grammar more important. On the one hand, it is assumed that if a learner knows basic grammar and vocabulary, they still can communicate without […]

‘interested’ or ‘interesting’?

‘interested’ or ‘interesting’?

Should we say Interested or Interesting? English learners often are not sure whether to use the “-ing” ending or “-ed” ending for adjectives that express emotions. Some examples of these adjectives, derived from verbs, are: exciting/excited interesting/interested boring/bored amazing/amazed confusing/confused Here’s a general rule to help you remember the difference: When talking about yourself or […]

London Slang You Need to Know

London Slang You Need to Know

Do you live in London, or have you ever been there? These 10 common expressions you need to know to understand born and bread Londoners. 1. ”The Full Monty” this expression means the Full English Breakfast (sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, baked beans, potato cakes-hash browns,toasted bread and black pudding) 2. ‘”Mind the Gap” This famous […]
